
ブログのしゅくだい:Due 10/3 げつようび

みなさん、こんしゅうは いそがしい (busy)ですか?
しゅうまつの ブログの しゅくだいです。

1. Gather various Katakana expressions from websites. Write your blog post about your findings in English.

2. Post in Japanese (optional).

3. Read comments on your blog entries. Respond to the people who commented if you like. Try to keep the communication going, and have fun!


こんしゅうまつのブログのしゅくだい:due 9/26 (げつようび)

こんしゅうの しゅうまつは デュークだいがくと フットボールゲームが ありますね。みんな、ゲームを みますか?

しゅうまつの ブログのしゅくだいです。らいしゅう ユニットテストが  ありますから、いい ふくしゅう(review)ですよ。がんばってください。

1. Write about your weekend activities.
  • Use both present & past tense verbs.
  • Use both affirmative & negative endings.
  • Write longer sentences by using various particles and adverbs.
  • Try to use そして and/or でも(but).
2. Comment on the blogs of your classmates and keep your communication going. Please include sentences in Japanese.

3. Think about your readers (e.g., your classmates) and try to make your blog even more fun to read. Remember that you could always use non-texts materials, such as color, images, videos, etc. !



にほんの えいが

こんにちは。らいしゅうの かようびに えいがが あります。タイトルは「サマーウォーズ」です。きてください!

えいがには えいごのsubtitlesがあります。


となりのトトロのうた (song)

きょうのじゅぎょうで 「となりのトトロ」の うた (song)を うたいましたね。(to sing) これが ビデオです。どうぞ。

このビデオに えいごが あります。


Japanese Discussion Table

A Japanese discussion Table begins on Monday, September 19. 
This is a place to ask questions about and share your interests in Japan and Japanese culture in English.
But you can also practice speaking Japanese if you would like to.
When: Mondays and Tuesdays from September 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: Dining Room A at North Dining Hall
I, Akiyo Horiguchi, a blind TA will be there holding a sign.
Looking forward to having a good time with you.


ブログのしゅくだい Due 9/19 (げつようび)

1. Read comments on your own blog entries.
Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. If there are questions, respond to the people who commented on your blog. Try to keep the communication going!

2. Comment on three other blogs of students from other sections.

3. Write a new post in にほんご/えいご (optional)



かいわテーブルは いつも (always) CLSCで あります!

Japanese Program Mixer Event: Sempai Voices

みなさん、らいしゅうの げつようびに イベントがありますよ!せんぱい(senior) come for you to share their experience to study Japanese and work in Japan! You may ask them questions as well. Some delicious Japanese food might be served. イベントに きてください!


カタカナが たくさんあります!


Study Abroad Fair: Sept. 12 (M)

げつようびに りゅうがくの フェア (fair)が あります。
Location: Jordan Hall of Science - Galleria

Dakar, Senegal Study Abroad program
Notre Dame International invites you to attend the 2016 Study Abroad Fair on Monday, September 12th, from 5-8 p.m. in Jordan Hall Galleria. 

ブログのしゅくだい (Blog HW)...due 9/14 (W)

みなさん、だい3かには たくさん どうし(verb)が あります。
  • Please complete the following 1-2 by 9/14 すいようび
1. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine/typical day in にほんご
  • Use various verbs (present tense affirmative/negative form).
  • Use particlew を、に(へ)、で。
2. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three).
  • Try to write at least one sentence/question in Japanese in your comments.



Japanese Movie Nights

You are invited to join us for Japanese Movie Nights! We will watch a Japanese or Japan-related movie every two weeks. The first movie on September 13th is "Jiro Dreams of Sushi: じろうはすしのゆめをみる." Please come and join us! きてください!


Japanese Conversation Table (にほんごかいわテーブル)

Here comes "Japanese Conversation Table" schedule! In this sessions, you can freely talk in Japanese with other students in Japanese program. Sensee will be also there, and sometimes other native Japanese as well! It might be a big challenging for you yet, but why don't you consider to join us after Fall Break? Sensee and some Japanese treatment are waiting for you!


ブログのしゅくだい(BLOG HW)...due 9/5 (M)

Please complete the following 1-3 by げつようび(Monday), 9/5.

1. Write a brief じこしょうかい in にほんご.
In higarana(and katakana), please write your self-introduction. Use grammar patterns from Chapter 1-2.

2. Post in えいご.
Introduce a Japanese person/object that you like(song, movie, artist, food, store, place, etc.) You can use pictures and videos too!

3. Please comment on the blogs of your classmates (at least three). Try to use にほんご in your comment if you can.
