
秋学期(Fall semester)のLanguage Table

私はとくだ まみこ(得田 真実子)です。1年間Teaching Assistantとして(as)ノートルダム大学にきました。
しゅっしん(come from)は川崎(かわさき)です。東京の近くの町です。(photos from wikipedia)


さて(then)、秋学期(Fall semester)のLanguage Tableは12回です。
8月29日(火)、明日がさいしょのLanguage Tableです。ばしょ(Location)はDBRT303じかん(Time)は5時から6時(from 5pm to 6pm)です。


週末のブログのしゅくだい:しめきり (due) 8/28 月

2年生のじゅぎょうでも、1年生とおなじ (same) ようにブログをつかいます (to use)。しゅくだいもありますが、じぶんで (on your own) たくさんポストして下さい。日本語が上手になると思いますよ!
「私が好きなたべもの」「私がよく行くレストラン」のだい (topic)で さくぶんをかいて下さい。
書く時につかう文法ぶんぽう (grammar)文型ぶんけい (sentence structure)のリスト

  • Verb てフォーム
  • Adjective てフォーム
  • Placeに〜にいきます
  • Placeで〜があります
  • 〜んです
  • Comparison…. 〜のほうが〜より/〜の中で〜がいちばん〜
  • Frequency expressions….いっしゅうかんに〜かい/〜ど
  • Counters
  • Double particles…では、でも、とは、etc.
  • なにか、どこか、いつか、だれか
  • 〜とおもいます
  • 〜たいです
  • (Adj./Noun)
  • 〜から、〜
  • 〜が、〜
  • conjunctions…そして、でも、けれど、だから、それから、そのあとetc.




In order to open a new blog account, please follow the instructions.

1. Go to http://www.blogger.com to create your blog.  
  • In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Settings," then "Comments," and choose either "Registered Users" or "Users with Google Accounts" under the "Who can comment?" section.
  • If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the left side.
2. Add your blog address (URL) to the Sakai Dropboxdue Thursday, 8/24

  • If you have trouble opening a new account, please let the instructor know.
  • If you already have a blog and you can use Japanese on it, you do not have to open a new account. Let us know the URL thorough Dropbox. 

ブログ プロジェクト!

Let’s start the Blog Project. For this class we would like you to keep a blog because it provides a place:

1. To share/express your happiness, surprise, excitement, and/or frustration, as well as any questions you might have, while learning the Japanese language (or any other topics).
  • While studying new grammar and words is very important when learning a language, it is equally important to actually use the language in a real life context. You must not wait to express yourself only when you think you have mastered the language because language learning is basically an ongoing process. In the beginning you may use English or any languages to express yourself, but we recommend that you gradually switch to Japanese whenever you feel comfortable enough to express yourself in Japanese.
2. To communicate with your classmates and other people outside of class.
  • Language learning is not limited to what you do for the course but also includes what you do and experience outside the class. We will create links to your classmates' blogs as well as blogs by students in other schools, so you can see what other people think and feel about Japanese language learning (as well as other topics). You are also strongly encouraged to leave comments on these blogs.
  • We know that your Japanese language is very limited, but you can convey your intended meaning more effectively by utilizing other resources such as pictures and videos. Remember that people utilize not only language but also other resources such as tone of your voice, music, body language, picture, color, font style and size for communication.
3. To reflect (or evaluate) what you have done so far.
  • Sometimes it is challenging to see our own progress or growth. Blogs help you to look back and see how you have changed through the course of your Japanese language learning.
  • At the end of the semester your blog will be evaluated by the instructors as well as yourself. We will discuss the criteria of evaluation later.